Dallas McGuire Hindle

Dallas is a Partner at Synergy Group, where he leads the Federal Government Cyber security capability and is establishing the Melbourne practice. He is a respected leader across technology, advisory and cybersecurity services, with over 25 years of experience in various IT domains. He has worked with some of Australia’s largest organisations, such as IBM, NTT and Dimension Data. He gained a broad range of valuable insights into how to leverage technology and engage business leaders to support their goals.
Dallas has worked extensively with both State and Federal Departments and Agencies as well as the Department of Defence delivering a broad range of services and capabilities within both the IT Services and Cybersecurity spaces.
Dallas has expertise in both critical infrastructure and IoT and OT technologies. He has collaborated with mining companies in Australia and globally, as well electricity and gas distributors, financial services, superannuation, and insurance providers.
Dallas has recently acquired a 3D printer and has been enjoying the amazing potential for this technology and all the things that can be designed and printed…. as well as the frustrations of finding a pile of 3D printed spaghetti instead the desired model!